Does Eating Chili Help You Live Longer?

Robert H. Shmerling, MD

Senior Editor, Keto Slim Fast Health Publications

Will eating more chilis help you live longer?

I have to admit, it is too difficult to get the latest healthy food news. There seems to be a lot of suggestions on food choices. But there is little consensus. That’s enough to confuse even the most careful health newsreader.

Eat low-fat foods for a long time But then there is the Paleo diet, the keto diet, the LA diet, the South Beach diet, the Mediterranean diet, and more, plus foods that form the basis of the whole company (like Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, and NutriSystem). already (Of course, simply) There are cleansing foods, detox, and foods to fight inflammation.

However, one of the new items in the nutrition news may seem like the least liked: chili.

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According to a new report, chili in your diet can lower your risk of dying from cancer or cardiovascular disease, and can even help you live longer.

The analysis includes data from more than half a million people in many countries. Compared to people who have never or rarely ate chili, those who ate it regularly had lower mortality from cardiovascular disease (26%), cancer (23%), or other causes (25%).

Although the findings from this report may seem too good to be true. But they built another study publication that linked health benefits to chili intake. For example, this study found that people who consumed 4 or more chili peppers every week for 8 years had lower mortality rates, including cardiovascular disease, compared to people who rarely or never did.

The reason why chili peppers are beneficial for health is unclear. One theory states that it is capsaicin. That is a hot chili pepper mixture. Capsaicin is a powerful antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties.

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The findings are interesting. But still unable to conclude The report is an analysis of four large observational studies. Therefore, although it explains the link between chili intake and health benefits, But it cannot be proven that eating chili causes this. In fact, chili peppers may be involved in a little research. Perhaps people who eat chili already use it to enhance the taste of their healthy food, and that food may have a number of health benefits.

The studies included in the new report use different types and amounts of chili. And the findings have not been published in a peer-reviewed medical journal. So far they have only been presented at the 2020 American Heart Association conference, which means the findings should be considered preliminary.

There may also be a shortage of eating chili. For one thing, some people do not like spicy foods. And some recent studies have linked chili pepper intake to gallbladder cancer. These findings cannot be inferred because they are still from observational studies.


If you enjoy adding chili to your diet, this latest report is a reason to continue. But it is too early to say that everyone should start drinking more often to improve their health. More research is needed to ensure the overall health impact is positive. And if so, we have to consider how good the chili is. And is that kind of chili important? How long does it take to see the benefits?

For people who like spicy food, welcome news about chili. But it is important to keep this finding in perspective: One spice is unlikely to have a significant impact over other parts of a healthy lifestyle, including a healthy diet. Stay balanced, exercise regularly, and avoid being overweight.

Therefore, even chili peppers are proven to provide health benefits. But spices alone can do a lot of things. Eating fast food pizza many times a week is not the healthiest of all - add a little chili.

Follow me on Twitter @RobShmerling.

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